Cybersecurity Governace
About Course
Our cybersecurity governance course is designed for professionals who are responsible for managing cybersecurity within their organizations. The course covers topics such as risk management, compliance, and legal and regulatory issues. Students will also learn about the various frameworks, standards that are used in the field of cybersecurity governance.
Course Outline
- Policies
- Standards
- Practice
- Guidance
- Relationship b/n Cybersecurity professional and cybersecurity structure
- Bottom-up security program
- Up-to-top security program
- Continuous Improvement
- Cybersecurity Performance vs Cybersecurity Baseline vs Benchmarking
Welcome to the Cyber Security Governance module! In this course, you will learn about the essential elements of cyber security governance, including policies, standards, practice, guidance, and the relationship between cybersecurity professionals and the cybersecurity structure. You will also learn about different approaches to cybersecurity programs and the importance of continuous improvement through cybersecurity performance, baselines, and benchmarking.
Course Content
Lesson 1
Introduction to Cybersecurity Governance
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